Monday, August 11, 2008

Evolution of Human Industry

"If all the world's a stage,and all of us play our roles,then who'z watching the show?Moreover,who is managing the ticket counter?"

Aarrggh..that's the problem with this:you gather all that's there in ur bowels,and Descend to the Earth to sit and write a blog,and then,the worst happens:you don't know how to start!!
And with so much hullabaloo around,of late,about blogging,with even your doodhwaala-rickshawaalah-n-dhobi blogging,you can't just sit and watch your toe-nails grow,either..
So lemme shoot it fellow sapiens:We are here,'coz we just simply can't,otherwise..!

And u might as well try hard to make sense of the "Title" to this Post in the light of the Post itself,but sadly,to no avail..

That's how,folks,this industry grows,and goes..the number of Sensible Mortals reading this Post would,invariably,be inversely proportional to the distance Hubble peeks into the Universe every passing day!

Lastly,Murphy's laws hold till date,and with a reasonably high probability,shall continue to do so,sempiternally..and thus:

One'll never have a slice of bread,
Particularly large and wide,
That would not fall upon the floor,
And always on the buttered side...!

So,stop oogling at the page now,and go and get ur bread and butter..
while I vent out mine..



  1. Haha...few things , firstly by contradiction the world is not the stage and neither do we play any roles...valid proof, point taken
    Secondly minus all the pun u intended, WHAT in the name of God (or dog for that matter) is DESCENDING TO THE EARTH ?
    Thirdly i didn't know that the Dhobi's n all have also started blogging...i think u EEE/E&I guys let them use your internet connection, coz nyways it finds itself of no use in your rooms [:P] . . .
    And that was a nice piece of limerick u put in, n ya i dont need to GET my bread n butter, ill be more than happy to share it with!

  2. Cloud 9 dwellers do need to Descend,nd u shud appreciate it..!
    Secondly,all know hw much use of Internet do the CompSci guys do,or better say,know to do..!
    thnx fr ur remarks though..keep urself updated in this space,fr ur own good..! :)

  3. Well everyone has a these fanatics seem to have thought about a lot(may be for fu***** hours) what to put into this blog and the best they could have gathered for that foray...they put them so fantastically into this wonderful creation of shit.
    Now that's the reason I(or anybody for that matter wouldn't) don't write/(read) blogs-about anything that somehow randomly creeps into my fu***** head.
    And whatever unreasonable/reasonable pieces of cool phrases or one-liners you were somehow able to put into this,what you call a blog,would have been much better if you had at least thought about what you actually wanted to write.
    And I am not sitting here to give you some advice about how you should actually write but I think if some other does...good for u.
    And don't even care for comments...u won't get better than this.
    But there's one(and only one) thing on which I would agree with you is the prediction of your blog hits...keep surely need care!

  4. well,v believe tht if smbdy actaully sits n thinks abt wat to write in a blog,then v'd,fr tht matter,better write a book...!
    and neways,the former,here,makes a good read..!
    Bless you..


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